Comacozer / Blown Out – In Search of Highs Volume 1

Australian cosmic psych-rockers Comacozer have teamed up with UK cosmic psych-rockers Blown Out to release a massive split LP of, you guessed it, cosmic psych-rock called In Search of Highs Volume 1.

“Massive” might be too light of an adjective to describe this record.  Comacozer‘s portion is on side A.  It’s one track that last’s just short of eighteen minutes.  “Binbeal” begins with a didgeridoo to put us in the mood of someone sitting atop a red rock in the Australian outback during a sunrise meditation.  It evolves into a heady groove perfect for opening your third eye chakra.  It’s a rapid plunge down a psychedelic rabbit hole by the eleventh minute.

Blown Out gets side B off to an epic start with the nine-minute-plus “Terraform.”  The title of the track refers to the process of restructuring entire planets.  Trust me, it’s heavy enough to do that.  The guitars alone would power terraforming machines from orbit.  “Void Sucker” is half the length of the previous track, but about double the speed.  “Hook Up the Telepath” ends side B with psychedelic chaos that reminds me of the aerobraking scene in 2010: The Year We Make Contact.

It’s a solid LP of instrumental stoner-psych metal that will get you through the cold of space or the heat of re-entry.  Volume 2 can’t come soon enough for my liking.

Keep your mind open.

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