Rewind Review: Buzzcocks – Orgasm Addict – Live (2008)

This ten-track live recording of a Buzzcocks concert in Paris, France from April 1995 clocks in at barely over half an hour and packs more punch than a show four times that length by most other bands.

Starting with Pete Shelley yelling / singing “I Don’t Know What to Do with My Life” (the theme of pretty much everyone at various stages of existence), the band tears off to a great start with hammering drums by Phil Barker that sound like they might get pounded through the floor, crazy bass from Tony Barber, and walls of guitars from Shelley and Steve Diggle falling on you.

There’s barely a moment to catch your breath before “Love You More.” Diggle’s “Autonomy” comes at you like WWII fighter planes on a strafing run. You can feel the crowd is ready to burst (pun intended) during the opening guitar hum of “Orgasm Addict” – one of the best punk tracks to ever come out of the UK. “Promises” is a great example of the way Shelley and Diggle could write punk love songs.

“When Love Turns Around” is another great example, this one of the way Buzzcocks can groove. “Ever Fallen in Love (with Someone You Shouldn’t Have Fallen in Love With)” is Shelley’s fiery rocker about heartache and sexual confusion, and they up the fuzz on this version. “What Do I Get” is a perfect follow-up, with Shelley claiming / demanding, “I just want a lover like any other. What do I get?”).

“Oh Shit!” is one of their fiercest flip-offs, and they come back on for an encore of “Fast Cars” (which, if you weren’t aware, they hate).

It’s over all too soon, but it’s still a lot of fun. Buzzcocks are still touring with Diggle in the lead since Shelley’s death. Catch them if you can.

Keep your mind open.

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