Levitation Austin artist spotlight: Christian Bland and the Revelators

If you love early Pink Floyd, you’ll love Christian Bland and the Revelators.  Mr. Bland is one of the co-founders of the Black Angels and one of the curators of Levitation Austin.  He’s also a cool joe.  I’ve met him four times.  His work with the Revelators is a must-hear if you’re a fan of his other work.  They’re playing April 26th at Barracuda at midnight, so come embrace the witching hour with them.

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Levitation Austin artist spotlight: Christian Bland & the Revelators


Christian Bland and the Revelators is one of multiple side projects from the Black Angels‘ lead guitarist.  They love early Pink Floyd records, and that’s all right with me.  I saw them at Levitation Austin a couple years ago and they put on a good afternoon set.  I’ve met Mr. Bland at three different Black Angels shows (Detroit, Chicago, Indianapolis), and he was a cool cat and happy to sign my gig poster each time.

Keep your mind open.

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